Monday, April 13, 2009

The Dogwoods of Maybelle...

I love turning onto Maybelle Street on my way into work in the Spring. It is lined with white and pink dogwood trees. The neighborhood was built after WWII and is filled with quaint little houses. I bought one there when I opened my practice several years ago and had a ball rehabbing it into an office. Sitting atop my office on the second floor is the Catnap Cottage. I am not a very good photographer, I just could not get the pictures to look like what I was seeing with my eyes, but I think you will enjoy them anyway! Thanks for stopping by!

Ms. Jackie's Beauty Shop - She Takes Walkins!

Mr. Chapman's House - He died last year at 87

One of My Trees

Across the Street from the Office


Tiedupmemories said...

Wow! That street is lined with them! I just love them!I have a couple in my yard.What a sweet neighborhood!Very quaint!Great pics too!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Springtime blossoms! What beauty! Love your photos!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Spring is definitely here in the south! I have been riding and taking photos of all the gorgeous dogwoods and blooms too! Funny how blogging conditions you to want to share your piece of the world with the rest of the world!
Your photos are beautiful!